Field trips are an extension of the classroom, and they vary depending on the age of the child. Children’s House students explore their immediate community; elementary children begin to explore the local community and beyond.
Children’s House Extended Day (Kindergarten equivalent) is the culminating year of the Children’s House three-year cycle. The elementary experience spans approximately ages 6 to 12, with a third- and a sixth-grade culminating experience.
Educational trips outside the classroom are an important part of the Montessori experience. They range in duration and focus, but all are curriculum-based, community-building, and they are opportunities for students to increase independence.
Overnight trips provide:
- community-building opportunities through shared experiences away from home.
- increased independence.
- the acquisition of Practical Life skills and development of executive functioning skills in a natural environment.
Trips in Children’s House Extended Day provide experiences that focus on explorative opportunities of the immediate environment of home and school. The students then venture further and begin to experience local community-based trips. Extended Day students have an culminating experience by participating in a one-night campout.
In Lower Elementary, frequent day trips often occur to support the curriculum. These experiences prepare students for trips that include leadership experiences with initiative games and team-building opportunities, culminating in a third-year trip to demonstrate the acquisition of skills in preparation for the next environment in Upper Elementary.
In Upper Elementary, trips are curriculum-specific, and these field-lab experiences introduce students to opportunities beyond the classroom environment. The trips are designed to foster community and independence, and occur annually to allow students to gain confidence and internalize experiences. Upper Elementary students participate in two overnight trips each year. Early in the year, the focus is on community-building; later, the focus is curriculum-based. Sixth-year students also have a Capstone Project and Trip, as this is the final year of the six-year Elementary Program. This odyssey provides students with an integrated experience of blending academics in a practical life situation while testing the individual’s level of independence. Students will demonstrate their independence and understanding of the fundamental needs of humans by embarking on a student-led trip to an urban destination.